Nick Kristof deserves our strong support for reporting the abominable violence against young innocents in this posting. And he deserves our admiration for taking on the unjustifiably powerful violent porn industry and the cooperation of a major credit card company.

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Thanks, but the folks to single out here are the survivors like Serena Fleites who spoke up and told their stories. I had all the resources and lawyers of The New York Times behind me, while Serena was homeless and living out of her car. It was a leap of faith for her to trust me and the photographer we sent. The story had had impact because of the real people in it like Serena whom readers could identify with.

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Yes. And no one was listening to her until you did.

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I will always be grateful for your coverage of this issue. I truly believe your willingness to shine the light of this brought accountability that wouldn’t have happened without it.

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It should be simple: if a person is not a legal adult, that person can neither give consent to sex nor to upload any videos/photos with sexual content. Obviously, age of consent differs among the states, so it's not that easy. But there should be a law or principle that Pornhub and its ilk cannot upload videos and photos without the consent of those involved. As for rape videos, those should be outlawed, especially for underage children. Most of us supported the 10 yo rape victim who had an abortion because we understand she is a child and her body and mind are not ready for parenthood. Similarly, we must support other children who are sexually exploited. No one should end up living in her car--or dead--because she made a foolish, childish mistake.

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Thank you for reminding all of us that this is going on, and that we should be aware of it and fighting it. And thank you for your courage, it's another kind of war, but potentially as dangerous as the ones fought with weapons.

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I would feel a bit better about this story if you had been able to close with "the boy who initially circulated the video(s) has been severely punished. He will not be allowed to attend any public California University or to work for any California public entity or municipality. Ever. And his family is financially responsible for the girls housing costs until she turn 30, in a place of her choosing." Without some shockingly effective punishment that scares the bejeesus out of parent of young teenage men, how will the word ever get out?

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The boy was not significantly punished, and I understand your anger and desire to hold him accountable. But he was 14 at the time. Teenagers, boys and girls alike, do stupid things, and I don't think stupidities at 14 should ruin a person's life thereafter. So to me the real culprit is not this boy but rather the corporate executives who have him the toolbox to share the video with the world -- and then they profited from it, refused to take it down, and then uploaded it to other websites. The boy was a cruel teenager acting on a brutal impulse. The executives were doing this thousands of times to make money. It was their business model. And that's why we should focus on them, to end the impunity and hold them accountable so that it doesn't happen to others.

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Maybe my suggestion was to harsh….but severe punishment is warranted IMHO. Parents will pay more attention to what’s going on also.

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Remember the old song: "Teach your children well" ?

This applies to both those teenagers.

The girl willingly chose to make and send the images of herself.

The boy abused both her trust and naivety, and the law.

(That's true before we even get to corporate behavior and profits.......)

For me, my father was my protecter, guide, supporter, counsellor at various times in my growing years. He let me know in words and deed that I had value as a girl and I was expected not to do anything too too stupid. Letting my parents down by getting pregnant would be just about the worst offense a girl could do to her family - pre Roe v Wade and the birth control pill.

I think young boys/teens are in desperate need of male guidance in their lives. Someone to look up to and to teach them how to be capable, compassionate, trustworthy, respectful, and how to treat women with respect. Healthy involved fathers are truly priceless in a childs life.

So many kids are missing that relationship these days for all kinds of reasons.

Sounds like ancient history, but we are also responsible for the dumb choices we make, especially as young adults, as you mention.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to our wise "elders" who could 'teach' their children and grandchildren not only personal 'boundaries' to respect, but actual 'self respect' because you really are worth it.

If that sense of self value runs strong.... you won't succumb to doing something 'stupid'

just to please someone else - no matter what the "ask" might be.

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Are there ramifications for the young boy who requested and posted the photos?

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thank you for the response that the young boy was not punished in a life altering way. He is too young for the punishment to be so severe that his life is also ruined.

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I have no desire to read the opinion, thank you. It was upsetting enough just to read this article! I immediately related to this young girl, going back quite a long time to when I wanted to be liked and was flattered to have the attention just as she was. I never had this happen to me, thankfully. It is too easy for people to blame the young girls. Do not! They are exploring their sexuality in an innocent way, trying to grow up and it’s just human nature. She trusted someone who betrayed her in the most disgusting, depraved way and then it got worse. It would never have occurred to her that someone would do this to her. I had been quite sheltered so I didn’t realize that there were disgusting people in the world ready and waiting to take advantage of a pretty young girl. It is absolutely revolting that there are people like this in the world. I hope the book is thrown at all of them. It is mind boggling and infuriating to me that there is a market out there for exploiting children - or anyone for that matter! Thank you for this. You saved her. I pray for all those not so lucky and I hope we can help them too.

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Well said! I feel the same.

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Thank you for your willingness to cover such difficult stories. You have my strong support in this action, which is among the many top reasons why I am a fan. I admire you, Nicholas!

In 1967, I was taken to my birthday party with a new boy - and then unknowingly drugged and raped - and soon learned that pictures were taken of me that evening and were being passed around my school. I was ashamed, and horrified, when a boy showed them to me - I had no memory of any of it, but there it was on film, and apparently they were duplicated and many of my classmates were passing them around! With video and internet, this issue is now vastly more insidious and far-reaching. I am in my 70s now, but reading your article recalled my memories of that terrible time in my life. My heart goes out to all young girls who so easily trust that the outside world is safe and sharks can't swim in the open air.

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Its taken another 50-60 yrs since your experience, but, with the "MeToo" movement we are finally pointing the spotlight on the perpetrators.

Big surprise to the Weinsteins, Cosbys, Epsteins of the world.....YOU got Caught !!!

Locked up, and finally SHAMED publically for their behavior.

I hope you can appreciate the good changes since then. You are stronger than that experience!

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Thank you so much for addressing this! I honor your courage.

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Way to go, Nick. Well done.

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Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention & following up w/this great news .. A judge who knows the difference between adult porn & ILLEGAL underage exploitation for monetary gain ..

Have been wondering what you’ve been doing since OR disallowed u to run for governor.. but now it seems u continue to do what you have always done .. Find stories that r horrific BUT/and that can be turned around .. & assisting in that ..

Hoping Serena is taking heart of her strength in staying the course to hold these folks to account ..

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Fantastic journalism, Mr. Kristof. Thank you for using the power of your written word, persistence, and your deep sense of justice and decency.

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Thank you 🙏🏻

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Thank you!

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Thank you.

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I am in awe of this whole story. Wow. I made a comment post a minute ago, but don't know if it went.

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